Sunday, August 17, 2008


Greg and I have not been back to Boise together since I moved in 2000. The morning after Charles competition, we drove around to some of our old haunts. Wow, things have changed!
(we took the pictures as we drove by, hence the side mirror.)

The infamous Suds Tavern. Where it all began...

Greg and I were neighbors for a while. We drove down Lincoln street to see our old houses and this is what we saw....

These were the stairs up to my house. The red X above shows about where my front door was, and the red x below shows about where my room was.

This was where Gregs house stood. You can see the drive way dip in the sidewalk...oh well, they were both pretty beat up anyway. I have been told they are building another parking garage there.

1604 W Boise. This was a great place to live, with-in walking distance to Campus, Albertsons, and best of all walking distance to SUDS! The top right unit was home!

Oh what fun....and what great memories!

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