Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fair Part 2

Saturday was the day that Katie and Carly showed their pigs. We spent the day at the fairgrounds. Davis had a blast!
Hanging out in the pig barn. Davis would take scoops of sawdust and push it around with his tractor.

Katie in action showing her pig.

Katie was placed in the 1st place pen for showmanship. They then had a "show-off" between the first pen and second pen.

The "show-off", and the winner is...

Katie! 1st place for showmanship in her class!

Katie and Carly

Grandma G, Davis and Katie hanging out

Then it was Carlys turn to show her pig.
In action

Carly was placed in the 1st pen also for her division. There was another "show-off' between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Carly ended up coming in 3rd for her division!

Katie with her medal and trophy.

Proud Parents

Davis at the petting zoo

Brushing a cow with Carly

Feeding Goats (my favorite animal...Yuck!)

Feeding yet another animal

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