Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fair Part 2

Saturday was the day that Katie and Carly showed their pigs. We spent the day at the fairgrounds. Davis had a blast!
Hanging out in the pig barn. Davis would take scoops of sawdust and push it around with his tractor.

Katie in action showing her pig.

Katie was placed in the 1st place pen for showmanship. They then had a "show-off" between the first pen and second pen.

The "show-off", and the winner is...

Katie! 1st place for showmanship in her class!

Katie and Carly

Grandma G, Davis and Katie hanging out

Then it was Carlys turn to show her pig.
In action

Carly was placed in the 1st pen also for her division. There was another "show-off' between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Carly ended up coming in 3rd for her division!

Katie with her medal and trophy.

Proud Parents

Davis at the petting zoo

Brushing a cow with Carly

Feeding Goats (my favorite animal...Yuck!)

Feeding yet another animal

The Whole Gang

Charles and John came into town for a night. Then entire Gandolfo family went out to dinner. This is the first time we have ALL been together in a long time (over 5 years!)
The entire Gandolfo family.

The four cousins posing...

and getting a little crazier...(we are waiting for Gracie to get a little older before we throw her into the crazy cousins mix for pictures.)

Fair Day part 1

Grandpa G (or Chuck) came into town for fair. When he arrived Bea, Chuck, Greg, Davis and I grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading to fair for the evening.
Davis remembered who Papa was and didn't miss a beat. He had to sit by him at dinner, and wanted to hold his hand in the parking lot.

Checking out the pig barn.

Carly showing Davis all the pigs.

Davis was scared to go in the pig pen with Carly, but really wanted to pet the pigs.

Carly with her one of her pigs "eyebrows."

Hanging out with the fam (and the pigs)

Uncle Dave's Birthday

Dave turned 32 ( for the 6th time...) on the 26th. It was the first night of fair (a huge deal in Twin Falls), so we celebrated with pizza and cake in the camper at fair. Dave's girls (katelyn and Carly) are showing pigs so they stay in the camper (along with half of Twin Falls and surrounding areas) for the week of fair.
Greg and Dave

Carly and Grandma G.

Blowing out candles

Davis really liked the cake and decided to help himself.

Enjoying the cake...

Davis loves to play on the lawn mower... it could keep him entertained for hours.

A Little Different

At the new school I am teaching it, things are a little bit different than the last school I was at. I am at Buhl High School, with a student population of 380 students. (yes, that is Freshman-Senior). It is in a little town east of Twin Falls.

This is the view out my classroom window, over the student parking lot.

This is the view from the front steps of the school. I zoomed in, so you can't see the parking lot, as seen in above picture and road in-between the field and the school...

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Greg and I have not been back to Boise together since I moved in 2000. The morning after Charles competition, we drove around to some of our old haunts. Wow, things have changed!
(we took the pictures as we drove by, hence the side mirror.)

The infamous Suds Tavern. Where it all began...

Greg and I were neighbors for a while. We drove down Lincoln street to see our old houses and this is what we saw....

These were the stairs up to my house. The red X above shows about where my front door was, and the red x below shows about where my room was.

This was where Gregs house stood. You can see the drive way dip in the sidewalk...oh well, they were both pretty beat up anyway. I have been told they are building another parking garage there.

1604 W Boise. This was a great place to live, with-in walking distance to Campus, Albertsons, and best of all walking distance to SUDS! The top right unit was home!

Oh what fun....and what great memories!

DNA Rail Jam- Boise Idaho

My Nephew Charles is very involved in freestyle, ariel, mougal, and rail skiing. One of his sponsers is DNA. They had a rail jam in Boise so we all went to see it. Basically people ski or snowboard down metal rails and do lots of tricks. It was really neat to see him in his element and to have the whole family (except Chuck) together. Charles came in first for skiiers and also won best trick- 540 on, 270 off.

The family at Old Chicago for a bite to eat before the competition.

Davis wouldn't stay still while waiting for food, so Grandma G and Katelyn took him to a fountain to play.

Everyone eating (and eating- the meals were huge!)


Another run

Grandma G, Jayme and baby Gracie

Another trick

Katelyn and Carly went and sat in the VIP section, and of course Davis had to go sit with them. (it also didn't hurt that they had a rice crispy treat... as you can see Davis dug right in.)

Finals (thats the state capital in the background)

The smile of a winner!

Proud Grandma

Getting his prize. In this competition the winner is invited to Las Vegas for the Ski show in Jan. They go with DNA and do tricks on the rails at the show for others to see! Charles went last year and can't wait to go again! Hmm, maybe we should go and support him in Vegas!