After all the kids have shown thier pigs, there is a fundraiser for next years Swine Group. Parents pay a small fee to compete against other adults in showing pigs. Greg, his dad and brother all entered for a little friendly family competition.

Greg showing Katies pig.

Greg was placed in 1st for his group, but then lost.
They only selected the top two for each group.
Chuck in action. (notice the wet spot on his shin. He got a little to close to the pig while it was relieving itself. I am told that this is common for pigs to do during showmanship, and it happens to a lot of people!-YUCK!)
Davis watching all the action.
Dave showing "eyebrows". He is wearing Gregs 4-H hat from the 80's. Greg dug it out of the garage before the competition. Greg used to be quite the pig shower (if there is such thing) and was in 4-H for 8 years!

At the fairgrounds they have a model train building that is actually there year round. We spent a good hour+ there.
Davis loved this model set and watched for a long time.
This is the new model that the train people are working on. It is huge. This is only half! It has 3-4 trains that travel on different tracks, through tunnels, and over bridges. I have a feeling we'll be back to visit the trains soon.
After the trains we went to see the "neigh-neighs" as Davis refers to them. We went into the draft horse barn. Those horses were HUGE! Greg is 6' 2" and they towered over him. Believe it or not, this one (above) was not one of the huge ones!
Davis wouldn't pet the horse, but wanted to be right next to it!